
How to change steam folder location
How to change steam folder location

That is to say, there are plenty of reasons why users may need to shuffle their games between drives. With the advent of broadband internet and digital downloads, though, games have transcended physical mediums and grown exponentially in size, being limited only by hard drive space and bandwidth. In the old days, game sizes were limited by their respective medium. Today’s games are unapologetically massive. MP4 Repair: How to Fix Corrupted Video Files in 2019.Best Choice Stellar Phoenix Data Recovery.How to Set Up a Strong Password in 2021.

how to change steam folder location

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  • We’re also working on adding more support staff in regions around the world to offer better native language support and improve response times in various regions. He notes, however, that “We still need to further improve response times and we are continually working to improve the quality of our responses. The company has added roughly 5x more support staff, as well as a new help and ticketing system. Newell was vague on this last part, but noted that the structure of Steam’s support is the platform’s biggest flaw, in his opinion. Gabe Newell conducted an AMA this week, where he spoke about Valve’s plans for VR, its interest in hardware design, and plans for Steam. Steam doesn’t improve quickly and the entire application needs an overhaul to clean up the UI, but this improvement does make game installation management easier. Still, this kind of flexibility is welcome.

    how to change steam folder location

    Cleanly moving an entire Steam account from one machine to another also still requires some workarounds from outside the application. Right now, there’s no option to batch move multiple games, meaning you still have to shift titles one at a time.

    How to change steam folder location